The Fourth Year B.Sc Nursing Students (2012 Batch) were taken to the TB Association of Kerala and Mitranikethan in Trivandrum on 08th February 2017 as a part of their Community Health Nursing Practical Requirements. The classes taken by the training members of the TB association regarding TB and RNTCP and the orientation given to the student about the lab and the diagnostic techniques were a good exposure to the students to reach beyond the theoretical knowledge. Mitranikethan Vishwa Vidyapeetam for Open Learning & Total Development, which is a Non-Governmental Organization located at vellanad was the real highlight of the viist. Mitranikethan works in the fields of innovation, training and extension in community development, environment, science, education and appropriate technology. The project was begun with a view to offering education and training in a holistic spirit to primarily socially underprivileged children and youngsters. The organization focuses on alternative education mode for development. Padmashri K Vishwanathan graduated from Viswa-Bharati University, Santinikethan (W.B) studied educational development in United States and Scandinavia and in the process was inspired to launch the Mithranikethan project, "The Home of Friends" in 1956. His endeavours over these more than 50 years have established the place as an internationally reputed institution for learning and development. Mitranikethan Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Center) - KVK is an institutional project funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi established in 1979 at Mitranikethan to work on transfer of technology with the objective to bridge the gap between technology and farmer. Although the visit was organised for two days, it took a whole day for the students to go around Mitranikethan and open their eyes to the initiative of a person who had his dreams embedded to uplift the poor and unprilvileged.